
Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Bicycles are a wonderful thing. They allow you to transport yourself from here to there and then someplace else. The Dutch have taken bicycles to a new level. Because most of Holland is flat bicycling is easier. WHEN THE WIND IS NOT BLOWING.
I love bicycles. It is absolutely.....amazing the number of bicycles that there are. The population of Amsterdam is 750,000. The number of bicycles there are numbered over 600,000. Where do they put them all?Here is a parking garage that is devoted to bicycles. It is next to Grand Central Station in Amsterdam
Everywhere we look there are bikes. Young kids just starting out with older siblings or parents helping out by placing their hand on the back of tne one learning. Parents riding to work. Sons riding with mom sitting on the back rack, sitting side saddle with a cup of tea in one hand and reading a book with the other hand.

This here bike is used a multitude of ways. Filled with groceries, or people. Notice the recumbant front seat that is either for young kids or handcapped people or even adults. The one in front does not stear the bike the person on the back seat does. Notice the extra set of peddles on front near the recumbant seat....they are for kids and can be removed with a quick release lever. Who woulda thought

There are bikes everywhere...there are so many that hey have seperate roads for the bicycles with their own set of traffic lights. And it works so smoothly.

Looks like a covered wagon to me...It actually has 2 little bench seats (one faces forward and the other to the back) and they are equiped with seat belts. We saw one similar to this one only larger and it was designed for the handicapped. it was wide enough for a wheel chair and had ramps so you could push a person in the wheel chair up and take them to where ever they needed to go

Here is a bicycle that is made can not go into the store, buy it and take it home. The wheels are wood, the fenders are wood and the seat is wood and becuse it is custom made it is very comfortable to ride...This one is in the store front window, but we did see a guy riding one in a neighboring town...So Cool

Check out the double kickstand its there so you can get the person on front without having to hold beke up

And then we have a standard bike but with not just one but 2 toddler seats on the back and on front is a rack for carrying your goods from shopping.

Bicycles what more can I say...There are tons more different styles to choose from I've only shown a couple

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